Assignment 7 - Color theory


To find the right color and match it with the site, the brand and make everything looks pretty is not easy at all. Everything count when you want to create the appropiate flow in your website and to convine colors that make sense was super hard for me. There is a whole theory and courses that you need to master before even thinking about this. However, with this assigment, I pretend to be an expert so I played around with some colors, convine them and try to find out which one works well for my site.

At first, I choose FireBrick or #B22222 (red) and then I decide to use #e6cf00 (yellow) as my second color.

blend two colors
Playing with colors...
Ultra Violet
Red Pear
Ceylon Yellow
Martini Olive
Russet Orange
Crocus Petal
Quetzal Green
Sargasso Sea
Almond Buff
Cherry Tomato
Little Boy Blue
Chili Oil