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You Can Still Renew Your DACA

Renew My DACA Even though the Trump Administration and extreme right-wing politicians are taking every opportunity to attack the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the fact remains: people are STILL able to renew their DACA. - Renew -

Why you should follow us...

Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation or have you had to deal with someone who, due to his little knowledge of the subject, makes you look ridiculous? Well it happened to me no far from now. But today this will be part of the past, at least concerning to this immigration memorandum call DACA.

As an immigrant from Colombia, I feel identified with the fears and struggles that dreamers face on their daily basis. they were kids when they got here. DACA is a two-year temporary work relief that allows dreamers to be counted, to work, have a driver's license and other benefits I already mention in the past speech. But those are just a two (2) year temporary benefits.

Now, with trump as president, dreamers run the risk of lose this benefits. That's why we all need to take actions...we all can stop this, actually, regardless of the congress decision, on January 18 2018, a University study find out that 73% of American voters support legislation that would allow DACA individuals to remain in the country legally.

That’s why today I want you to be part of that 73% and support dreamers who are nothing else that hardworking individuals who not only contribute financially to the economy, but also with their talents and skills, they make a better community.

America needs immigrants, and immigrants need their families to stay together.
- Would you take a hand labor job where you have to work outside? from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 6 days a week and get paid $70 dollars a day with no benefits, sick days, no vacations, no insurance or anything like that. And you still have to pay taxes. Would you take it? Well, families of dreamers are doing those jobs. Those that you call criminals are doing what you dont wanna do.
- America is the mother of immigrants. What made you forget your roots? Why trump forgot his first generation who make it to the promised land. a first generation that destroyed many generations.
- Now that DACA program is ended, congressmen and Senators are trying to explain that this is not dreamers’ fault because coming to the US was not their idea as child, they had no say when their parents bringing them. So they're putting the blame on their dreamers parents and I completely disagree with that, they are the original dreamers, who did not have a choice that cross the border and sacrificed everything they know so their children can achieve an education, giving them a better future. In fact, 85% of immigrants came to work and improve the living conditions of their families. And those that you call the dreamers are just a result of their sacrifice.
- Dreamers are young people who study in american schools, play in our neighborhoods, with our kids and those who are Americans in every single way but on paper".
- Most dreamers are under 25, the prime working age, they are currently holding jobs, going to school, paying taxes, and they are not criminals. All this to said that education is key, but most importantly, there is a crucial necessity in America for an immigration reform.
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protect DACA animation
Fig.1 - Please click me
There’s not a single solution or immediate solution for this problem. The temporary solution is to keep and protect DACA and take actions to come up with a immigration reform that fix the issue from the roots. But for now, DACA is the solution.
- The US is a nation of immigrants where Illegal immigrants contribute to the society into multiple things, one of them is its economy. In which, US has a negative worker replacement rate, meaning america has to have immigrants. Not only for cheap labor but because of their contributions.
- The best way to get control of the american borders is to legalize dreamers, to act, to come up with an immigration reform since they cannot control the black market and since ending DACA doesn't mean dreamers will leave america, it means they will lose their jobs and eventually get deported, if its happen. But if they decided to work under the table and live in the shadows, the illegal immigrant % is only gonna grow. Ending DACA does not gonna solve the problem, it will make it worst and heart the economy even more.
- DACA pay in taxes about 60 billion dollars a year and it's more of the consumers benefits. In addition, if they commit a crime, they will be easily track that if they were illegals.
- DACA is an act of prosecutorial discretion to defer enforcement action against "low-priority" individuals.” who are contributing to the country and the society. They are students, hard workers, teachers, work as bilinguals with police in law enforcement. In fact on 2016, the medical school application increase a 83% because of DACA.
As a matter of fact, By generating a path for citizenship, it will add ( 22.7 ) twenty two point seven billion dollars to the economy and is expected to increase over the years furthermore.
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Pros and Cons || GoOd & BaD

Our nation's immigration policy can be about changing lives instead of separating families. If DACA is down and massive deportation comes true, US will be losing nearly half a trillion dollars.
As an optimist person, I hope that the legislation reform pass in Congress. Giving immigrants a more permanent solution to stay in the US. 915 dreamers will lose protection from deportation every day.
The % of immigration arrest of non criminals should go down from the 150% that its now. 20.000 teachers are DACA recipients and replace them will cost $18.000 for each one.
1.2 billion will be lose in GDP from removing daca in NC.

Note: I asked my father-in-law, who is undocumented if it was worth it to leave Mexico and stay in America. He said yes because no matter what anybody says and how hard it is to be in a place where you know you are not welcome neither appreciated, even if you work twice harder that them and because of a peace of paper, you have to leave with fair all your life. The reason that keeps him moving is his family, the well-being of his family rests on his shoulders. And maybe one day if he keeps working hard, their future will be secure and maybe one day, americans will see him with respect and as a human being.

Reasons To Teach About DACA

The following video, especially the first two minutes, accurately explains what DACA is and why it’s important. The second half of the video goes a little bit more in depth about why DACA is being challenged now, which may or may not be appropriate for some students given their age and the extent of their understanding of the U.S. political landscape.

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Closing This Chapter
Juan Diaz invite you TO TAKE ACTIONS...
* know and understand the immigration problem as a whole, then help rebuilding it together from the roots.
* Suport dreamers on social media.
* Share and educate by passing the series of “Know Your Rights” documents on DACA.
* Sign the DREAM ACT PLEDGE: Join the effort to defend our future!
* take actions!! vote!! and protect DACA!!
** Raise your voices and rally next to the dreamers so Congress can finally decide to keep daca alive and free them from the fear of deportation from the only country they know as home thank you
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